★★★★★ People in the groups I'm in keep talking about this book. Some find it too much; others loved it. I bought it because people kept pushing it at me and I caved into peer pressure. I waited a couple of months before I finally decided to read it. WHY DID NO ONE MENTION THE DOM WORKED FOR THE CIA? If there is anything that will immediately catch my interest, it is a spy. Especially a male spy who is a dom. Seriously, men in positions of law enforcement authority just do something to me.
I was hooked from the beginning. Master James/Tyler frightened yet excited me. He truly can be a sadist. I could understand Vivien's worries and fear. Some of the hang ups she had, I don't have so it didn't cause me confusion when it turned me on. I am glad the two were able to work it out. The amount of pain he put her through was breathtaking. It made me a bit uncomfortable because I found myself wanting to experience each one of the sessions, just to see what it would be like. I imagine the pain would be horrendous, yet I can't help but be curious. The scenes were intense and lovely. I would have love to watch it in person. I'm very impressed with Ms. Blevin's writing voice and her ability to weave a love story. Because make no mistakes, this book is a love story with a beautifully wrapped up ending.
This book gave me shivers and dark desires that I thought I had suppressed or exorcised. Reading this book was like opening a hermetically sealed pandora's box. Damn you Ms. Blevins! Those needs and wants are now raging at the forefront!