When it comes to whacky female leads who are flawed in adorable ways, Ms. Davidson hands down creates the best ones. I picked this one up because it's been a while since I've read a paranormal from Ms. Davidson. This book defies categorization. Warning, I felt as if this book may be a book from a series that I haven't read. There were references to characters and previous events that felt like I should know about already. I made a cursory search and didn't see which book this series may be linked to... if you know what it is, post it below in my comments. Goodreads doesn't currently place it in a series.
Verity is our unshifting werebear who joins a "fight" club if you will, where weres who cannot shift band together to do challenges. If I could summarize the antics of these kids it is, to combine Jackass with Yolo mentality. During the first half of this book, I'm incredulous and a bit disgusted with how cavalier these kids treat their lives. Their challenges make absolutely zero sense to me. Not only does it not make sense, but their pride in their foolhardiness also makes me feel old. Was I ever this stupid? I guess it is true that those under 25 don't have a mature brain and should still be considered as kids. Have we made life so easy for the young now that they would pull off stunts that prove to no one that they are just as good as shifters who can shift? The lack of logic for this group of kids just boggles my mind. Lack of logic bothers me and causes to lose respect for the characters - be it in a book or in real life. Thankfully, Verity comes across a werebear who is logical.
I feel for Magnus Berne. He is a Bear shifter, and not any ole werebear. He is SCOTTISH! Incidentally, did you know that the Scots are rates as the number 1 holiday flings? They are the best lovers to play with for a bit of a tumble? (Scots voted world's best lovers in poll of greatest holiday flings (thesun.ie)) Ms. Davidson does use some Scottish wording to cause a reader to read all of Magnus' dialogue with a thick Scottish brogue. At times I didn't even understand what I heard in my head as Magnus speaks to Verity.
Whilst Verity's baggage is tied to her parents' fear for her, I found this to be heartwarming instead of annoying. Verity may be completely embarrassed and tired of her parents thinking that full shifters would kill her. This sentiment is not too different than my parents' fear when I moved to Michigan in the early 90s. A little more than a decade after Vincent Chin, an innocent Chinese man mistaken for a Japanese man was killed by automotive workers. (How the 1982 Murder of Vincent Chin Ignited a Push for Asian American Rights - HISTORY). My parents too feared that I may fall under a mistaken identity and be killed by crazed Michigan autoworkers. I can relate to Verity's situation and see it with a different set of eyes. Sometimes, art imitates life.
The ending of this book is what turned my rating around and I enjoyed it. I love Magnus and even if I find Verity a bit flighty, she seems to balance out Magnus's seriousness. This paranormal romance is recommended to readers who throw logic out the window and love crazy TikTok challenges.
*provided by NetGalley