★★★★★ @AuthorSophieOak @AuthorLexiBlake

Buy this book now. This entire trilogy is a delight and a must read. In Beast, we return back to the alternate/parallel world with a focus on the vampire society. I devoured this book in one sitting and ended up staying up way too late into the early morning. Dante Dellacourt is a rebel without a cause...until he meets a woman that is so different than anyone he has ever met, Kaja.
This book starts out with Kaja's experience and what happens to her. I'm disgusted with her pack. I am always livid when the people in power are corrupt and power drunk. I felt so bad for Kaja. Her flight for her life brings her to a new world. For this, I'm glad her horrid pack pushed her out.
What I really enjoyed about this book is the difference in culture and understanding between Kaja and Dante. Many times, we expect everyone has the same baseline experience. Dante's world view is shattered as he learns more about how Kaja's been treated in her world. He starts to feel a bit guilty as he wants to use her because of her lack of decorum and understanding of the Vampire Polite society to stick it to his dad.
Kaja's straight forward manner appeals to me. Her lack of pretense is attractive. Her focus on what is important and what is not makes her special. I adore Kaja. She is my favourite in this story. Her responses or more specifically the responses of others to her answers and attitude are at times too funny. I needed to hold in several times my laughter to avoid waking my slumbering spouse. (I did mention I was reading this in bed late night, right?)
Dante's self actualization journey and growth is wonderful to see. Danta understood that he came from a privileged life. He wanted to do something meaningful but he just couldn't find it. He was "without a cause". Kaja's entry into his life gives him not only meaning but shows him what he needs to do. He finds his passion and he's now able to redirect all his energy towards something he believes in. I liked his cause. His growth and maturity in this story warms my heart. I grew to love this bad boy who becomes a man in this book.
This fantasy romance is highly recommended to readers who love their fairy tales that end in a happily ever after.