★★★★ @ReneeRoseAuthor @SavinoLee #AlphasFire @jennw23
Rich and powerful paired with dangerous is everything Tabitha wants to avoid. For Gabriel, Tabitha is the one he's been waiting centuries for and won't lose this time around. This charming fated-mates story is just what I needed this past weekend. It is both lighthearted and serious with the right timing. Full disclosure, I have not read the previous books in this series and it reads beautifully. This can be read as a standalone. After reading this book, I want to read the previous books in the series.
Tabitha knows she is a little bit different. She hides her psychic powers a does her best to live her life to the fullest, in freedom. Much of Tabitha's disdain for wealthy men is due to how her mother actively seeks them out. Tabitha is fiercely independent and plans on staying relationship free. Gabriel has other ideas.
The way the romance is set up here can be a bit stalkerish creepy. Even Tabitha mentions it. Authors Rose & Savino do a great job of making it less disturbing and more protective. The communication issues between Tabitha and Gabriel are the lighthearted funny parts in my mind. The more serious pieces are Gabriel's need to mate and his dragon's loss of control.
The story pace is smooth with a nice plot progression as well as sexy times. Tabitha's mischievous ways balance out Gabriel's control-freak personality. My favourite parts are Tabitha's interaction with the dragon. The mind-melding is intimate and beautiful. There is little in this story that caught me off guard or surprised me with the exception of one little piece of hidden information. All I can say is that a mother's love can be unending. This erotic romance is recommended for paranormal readers who enjoy dragons and fated-mate themes.
* I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book.